Tuesday 1 December 2009

Group Meeting (minutes) 2 - Test shot and Solutions

Problems Encountered

While filming, we had used a laptop in our first scene. Upon viewing the footage once uploaded on the computer, we had realised the screen had been "flickering" as it was recorded by a camera causing the camera and laptop monitor to be out of sync (with frames per second refreshing at different rates).


As this problem will always occur, we have decided to avoid filming a screen to show the two characters planning to meet. We will try to see if the same flickering affect still continues if a mobile phone screen was to be filmed rather than as computer screen. This will then show the message of where and when the two characters should meet would be recieved. This message will include the words "see you there" to show relevance to the title of the movie. We have also thought of an idea of a missing person poster being pinned to a tree in the park (where the two would meet). Here the camera would pan to the right to show the girl coming in to the park walking towards the black shed. From the changes made to the beginning of the opening, we will again update the presentation of the Pitch and also create new storyboards to go with the opening storyline.